About us
La Maison L'Égide
La Maison d’hébergement L’Égide 2e étape (2nd stage) provides logging and support to women with or without children who are survivors of conjugal violence. For more than 20 years, our counsellors have been offering psychosocial support that promotes autonomy and empowerment among the women staying at the shelter.
At La Maison L’Égide, we offer a place of renewal and hope for women who are ready to commit to embracing a life without violence and working towards no longer being a victim.
Our strength lies in each member of our team. Apart from the director general and the administrative assistant, who mainly coordinates the clinical aspect of the shelter, La Maison L’Égide includes a core of experienced and committed counsellors. We are also priviledged to have the invaluable assistance of several volunteers, carefully chosen for their discretion and their solidarity towards our mission.
The board of directors is composed of seven women from different walks of life who are dedicated and who care deeply about the mission.
We are cofounders and members of L’Alliance des maisons d’hébergement de 2e étape for women and children who are victims of conjugal violence.
We also participate in several round tables and regularly collaborate with organizations, businesses and other community groups who are opposed to and denounce violence against women.

Our mission
Our mission is to accompany women and their children who are survivors of conjugal violence on their journey to regain control of their lives and reconnect with their individuality.
Our vision is to offer safe housing in a confidential, respectful and welcoming space while ensuring the well-being of our residents. This entails offering individual and group follow-ups adapted to the needs of the women and their children we shelter. Our approach is based on respect for each person’s experience in a context of non-judgement.
This is the ability to take into consideration and respect the needs of others without negative judgement. We believe empathy also involves being respectful, kind, generous, able to listen and forgive ourselves and others.
Being sincere means being able to find the right words to express what the heart is feeling. It takes courage to be true to oneself and allow others to benefit from our uniqueness. It means, in fact, no longer answering to the image others have of us but to that which reflects our inner self.
At L’Égide, we consider every situation where we can make ourselves responsible for our choices and decisions as an opportunity to practice trusting ourselves, trusting others. By accepting to take responsibility for our choices, we agree to find solutions that will move us towards the transformations necessary for the accomplishment of our life projects, whatever they may be. Being responsible for our own lives requires us to trust ourselves and dare to experience different situations, to get out of our comfort zone.
Useful resources
La Maison d’hébergement L’Égide, 2e étape | Facebook
L’Alliance des maisons d’hébergement de 2e étape pour femmes et enfants victimes de violence conjugale
Naître et grandir
Carrefour Aliénation Parentale Québec
From Tiny Tot to Toddler
La Maison sous les arbres Community Mental Health Organization
Maison de la Famille Kateri – Maison de la Famille